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Band and Album Updates

I’m in a new band called Three Philosophers. We’re a jazzy(but not really jazz)-pop trio, emphasis on the “not really jazz” part. We’re on Facebook and will likely have a real website up sooner or later, but the point is that we have some original songs to show off! We’ll be playing some live shows in the coming months and we’ll get some recordings done as well. I’ll update more on that front as more news pours in. On the other front of my musical battlefield is DreamState. I’ve assembled a team of extremely talented volunteers to help with the arrangements and artwork for the album and I’m hoping we can get it released by the end of 2018… maybe sooner. The skeleton for the project is there. Piano and vocals are recorded. It’s now a matter of fleshing out the arrangements with guitars, drums, bass, and more! I’ve posted a few snippets of the songs in progress, but I can’t really show much for this 10-year project yet. The material is there, but I’m really trying to hold back on releasing full length tracks until the album is closer to completion. I want the initial listening experience to be like watching a movie. I don’t want too many spoilers in the trailer! Plus, I don’t want to shortchange myself by ruining the first impression. I want these songs to be PERFECT when you hear them. So what can I tell you? I can tell you that there are 15 tracks on the album, but there are technically 23 songs. There are two suites of songs that make those numbers possible. The album is split into two halves, but will be released as one whole package. I’d like to do a physical release, but it may not be financially possible. I am planning on creating a large PDF booklet for the digital release. It’ll include the two short stories the album is based around, the lyrics to each song, the performance credits, and a series of artwork designed around the album’s concept. I hope that it makes up for a potential lack of physical copies. In addition, I’d like to apologize for falling behind on this blog. I’ll try to update more regularly.

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